Watermelon greek salad? Mmmmmmm
A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Discussing and questioning fear part 2
"Why ask "Do you fear yourself?" Because the question behind the question is....

Consider yourself....
"After discussing fear with several people lately, a question that comes to mind and a consideration I pose for all who read this (includes myself).....
Since MANY of us do not like the unknown (or the uncertainty and lack of "control" within the unknown) and may not be willing to embrace the unknown, AND in things and situations that are unknown do we tend to put a fear (hesitation, resistance, challenge, confusion, frustration, anxiety, problem, anger, hatred, separation...), then I ask.....Do YOU fear yourself?
Please feel free to answer and I will post the OTHER question later on today.... ;)"
"Why ask "Do you fear yourself?" Because the question behind the question is....Do you really KNOW yourself? Have you dove into the areas of YOU and considered WHO you are....
- Do you know what your foundation is that you have chosen to build your life on?
- Have you considered the fruits that you want to see in your life and why you would want to see that particular fruit?
- Have you considered how you will nourish YOUR roots to help them to grow and establish yourself and a producer of good fruit in your life?
- Have you considered how you are producing the current fruit that you pick and eat in your life right now?
- Have you decided how you would like to consistently show up in this world as or what you choose to respond to life's circumstances through?
- Have you considered how you want to see your own reflection and embrace what it is that you see in the mirror?
- Have you considered the depth to which you want to experience relationships in your life?
- Have you noticed how you currently connect with those around you and does that match the level to which you would like to connect with others?
- Have you considered what level of energy that you want to be and show up as in the lives of others? How brightly do you currently shine and does it match the level to which you would like shine at?
- If you do not desire to shine or consider others or nourish yourself or grow or find joy in life around you, then what are you considering and does that match what you would most like in your life?
Getting to know yourself more deeply and choosing to enjoy that which you are and experiencing YOU (and your life) more fully takes away that fear/doubt/uncertainty and builds that faith within yourself and that which you have come from. You grow in KNOWING....and that KNOWING goes forward with you regardless of the unknown. Faith is that confidence, knowing, and trust in God and his greater vision for your life (Can you imagine?...even bigger than your biggest dream for your life?). (Hebrews 11:1 ~ "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.") And when we consider that God can see more than we are able to even dream or envision for ourselves....let's face it, God is coming from a place of being able to see the bigger picture, and through a perspective that is of Love and Truth. If God's vision for us is all good and full of benefit and blessing, why not trust in and have faith that God and life in you?
Discussing and questioning fear...
After discussing fear with several people lately, a question that comes to mind and a consideration I pose for all who read this (includes myself).....

Pondering the gem of purity
Good morning! I had a talk with my son last night about a rare and precious gem that many overlook nowadays....we are all blessed with it in abundance, but as we make choices in life we can either support it or cause it to dwindle. Some have walked this earth with its full consideration in mind and have done great things and remained a wide open channel to receiving the fullness of God and life within and through them...

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Life is lived in this very moment.
#GOODMorning! "Life is lived in this very moment." How are you attending to making the very most, and best of this precious moment that is life and living? Amazing quiet time, and now for some physical nourishment. I love being fed and filled on all levels

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Simply ecstasious!
Good morning! Mmmmm....feed me a buffet for my soul and I will sit back in awe and gratitude with heart and belly full. Thank you God for keep my plate full of delicious wonder and MMmmmm goodness.....simply ecstasious! Can't quite describe this feeling, but I am sure there is something in life that feels blissfully uplifting to you

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Glad to be of consideration and considering the Considerer

Monday, June 17, 2013
Tears of gratitude
This thought came to me as I cried to sleep the other night....."I have been created as a key to unlock the wonders (and possibilities) of God."
Happy UN birthday to me
Ahhhhhh....My son made me a cake for my birthday....

Sunday, June 16, 2013
Shine bright your light
"The purpose of the light is to bring light to others." - Edi Balian . Thanks for a great message and shining many lumens bright to the encouragement of others.
Stay grounded
Think I am now convinced the reason my kids fill every pocket with rocks is to stay grounded. I may have to try it out myself

New day breath
Good morning! I made it!!! I woke up in a new day....breathing!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Super fruitful morning
And yes, it's a GOOD MORNING!! A great one indeed so far and super fruitful...and yet there is still more day to be had? AMAZING!! I think some special time with the boys is calling

Friday, June 14, 2013
BE in the full enjoyment of the wonders of the day
Good morning! Dishes washed, breakfast, lunch, dinner cooked, snacks for soccer ready, laundry washed and dried, kids out the door.....and now to BE in the full enjoyment of the wonders within the rest of the day. Today, I just gotta flow with it.

Sunday, June 9, 2013
A forecast is a calculated guess. Be ready to make the most of the moment you are in
Good morning! HA!! Take that "fore"cast. (Sometimes we have to remember a prediction is only a calculated guess into the unknown of the future...don`t make your happiness circumstantial and fleeting...keep it close and current) It said rain, rain, rain (so I planned for transplanting and splitting perennials)...and all I have seen is sun and shine and rainbows...PLUS having my garden watered when I wasn`t looking. By the looks of the clear skies, I should be able to finish up trimming and planting the rest of the garden, and getting my starters in the ground (tomatoes, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, zinnias, okras....). I`m so happy I may even give the lawn some extra attention

Saturday, June 8, 2013
I love catching the sunrise in the morning
Good morning!!! I was supposed to sleep in, but I just love catching the sunrise in the morning

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Enjoying the stillness in radiance
Good morning! And HAPPY Thursday! Today is a sun-SHINY day! Enjoying the stillness in radiance.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Good plants grow good roots
Good morning! Good plants grow good roots...This day is just PACKED with getting together with the encouragement of the women in my life...I need a "T" word that describes building up a better, more encouraged and joyful "Me" simultaneous with the adding of joy and encouragement in return. In the meantime, I will get prepared for this funtastical Tuesday!