Good morning!! Best dinner at Z's bakeraunt last night. It was so tasty and love the dedication of the chef to offering supportive and nutritious options on his menu. Next time I may pay in cash instead of kitchen duty.

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning!! Best dinner at Z's bakeraunt last night. It was so tasty and love the dedication of the chef to offering supportive and nutritious options on his menu. Next time I may pay in cash instead of kitchen duty.
Good morning! The circumstances that brought me to this point of early awakening this morning are multi-faceted for your perspectives to enjoy....birds singing, mind racing....however, my happiness mojo is on the flow and I am drinking it up!
Me: hehehe DOH!
Good morning!! Do you know what "thank you" sounds like? I gave myself the challenge of conveying the feeling of thank you to others and this is what came to me.....mmmmmmmmmmmm! (and that sound triggers quite the series of responses in our bodies). So today, I will be walking around making the "mmmmmm" sound with a smile on my face. Will you try it with me?
Good morning! Dropping eggs, spilling spaghetti...feeling awkward in my own skin...Wassup? Either way, glad I have things planned for today and I can stumble my way through the rest of the day with a smile on my face. Will enjoy living and happiness does not rest within just is.
Good morning! Is it just me or does it seem like I am getting less done with more daylight hours? Or am I stuffing the gibbies out of my days with more to do? All the same, less sleep and go go go is not sustainable.... but for today, it is done and I am happy in it.
Good morning! We can always love more...the more and more that people around me continue to struggle and be frustrated, I know there is room enough in this world and in our hearts, and in our thoughts and in our feelings each day for more and more love.
WOAH!! WOW!! I just realized that I changed....OVERNIGHT! LOL as we all do...what a great new day to experience a great and new me, in a great and new world...
I bathed him...washed his clothes and thinking I may have to soak him in vinegar to get the bug spray out of his skin. If it's not coming from a natural source of essential oils, then it will not be on me or my kidlets.
Good morning! Today is the last of the "blitz" days for us this week....but all this "blitzin'" around has helped me to realize that this busi-ness is not sustainable and....that even though it may not feel busy in the moment, where there are areas of mismanagement or stress definitely means that I am not where I need to be at some point in the day.....going into observer mode as I move through my day today...need to see this from a different viewpoint.
"Far away....inside"
Good morning!! The dawn chorus sings again this morning. They have been out for a few weeks now....Last week was one of my favourite moments.
Good morning! This question ran through my head this "this" sustainable? Everything I did, I was looking to end "fruit" of it all. Not to see if it was worth it, but if it did not have benefit for others attached with love and joy, I adjusted my actions.
Too hot outside for toddlers...risk of heat glad they can play inside in a nice cool gym. Child's play really helps me to appreciate that a little bit of snow and preparation is more fun than too much heat. #funatwork #gratitudeforthingspast
Good morning!! Warm weather...grass to cut, flowers bloomed and growing, and earlier moments with the sun. Thank you Spring for increasing my gratitude and gradual transitions. Now to figure out where I put all those lighter layers.
Good morning!! What if each thing you said was a prayer? Even better still...what if all that we say are prayers? Just pondering on how that would sound like and be...
Good morning!! Grateful for the early sunrise and clear skies. I love catching the sunrise.
Good morning! Beautiful, bright, bountiful, blessed, blissful....what a day so far!!! Now to get aligned with it
Good morning!! Imagine receiving one lavish gift after another....bringing a shock of a smile to your face after each opening....can my smile get any bigger?? I feel like I am going to be brought to tears of overflowing joy soon