As I shared about these women of the bible, the Proverbs 31 woman came up and the different views of what she represents came out. Is she real? Was she just the "Noble woman" that the men of the bible dreamed about? I can see how this woman, with her many talents, skills, and activities, drums up a bit of question, if it is possible to live up to this standard. I then shared that her life can be paralleled to our own. Some were good with money and the household finances, some were good with investments....we all make sure that our kids have good clothes to wear and cover them in their beds at night to stay warm. We share our lives and faith with our family and with others. We have provided for these needs in our families and we are also women of God.
It is good to take a moment to appreciate what it is that we bring to the table and know that we are successful in each day as we manage our households, encourage our families, live out our talents to their best, and walk faithfully in our relationship with God.

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