This past weekend, my hubby and I went to Red Deer and met with other couples from the Edmonton and Calgary churches to share in the experience of others as we focused on remembering and refining the special relationship we share as husband and wife.
We drove down the night before and had an enjoyable night out with dinner and a shared dessert. It was really good. In the morning before my husband woke I went to have a quiet time and looked through some resources that had been shared with me and were relevant to marriage. I watch 2 short videos from the Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks, How to end Blame and Criticism, and How to stop an argument...instantly. The points and techniques covered in these videos were great to see, as they can be used in most relationships and they also help to look into how we as individuals can affect the tone of our relationships based on our ability to respond accordingly. I made a note of choosing to recommit to my relationships with God, my spouse, myself, and others.
As we began the first class of the weekend, speakers Kevin and Lisa Robbins helped to really open things up with sharing from their own lives and marriage and helped the audience to relate more personally to what information they were sharing and to other married couples. They shared from the book "Love and Respect" about different cycles we can be in as couples and along with scripture, it really helped to give a good visual on how to achieve success in the marriage relationship and how to make choices that will encourage that success. After lunch we enjoyed a game about "How well do you know your spouse?" It was fun to go over the questions together as a couple and also gave us an opportunity to learn some more details about one another. Overall, it was a great weekend, not just from the messages that were shared and received, but from spending some valuable time together with friends and as a couple, knowing that we both really wanted to be in each others company.
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