What do you think of when it comes to Spring cleaning? Doing a top to bottom house cleaning? Going through your closet and sorting through your clothes? Getting geared up for garage sale season and going through your personal items and seeing what you would like to sell/give away? What about getting the yard cleaned up and ready for a season of gardening? Well, all those items are on my list including focusing on switching gears with my nutrition and starting off with a cleaning of my body from the inside out.
Most refer to a body cleanse from the inside as a detox. But I'm not just talking about doing a detox. As a child, it was also a time that we got "bitters". Good thing it was usually administered during Spring break, because we would be back and forth to the "royal seat" for a good day. We got lots of water as well and at the end of the "cleanse", we definitely felt lighter.
Now I don't do the spring cleaning quite in the way that my folks did, but here's how we begin.
Eating more alkaline foods
This means focusing on keeping more whole foods in our diet (vegetables, nuts and seeds, sprouts, healthy fats and oils)....Making sure our nutrition stays supportive and natural.
Keeping your system in a more alkaline state, has been know to reduce the possibility of disease and parasites and promotes the function of your cells and systems....something to consider seriously.
Drinking more water
It's the one cleaning product you are always using. Get it in your body to help your body to flush away those toxins and to keep your systems flowing smoothly. When you are well hydrated you experience the benefits of increased energy, mental clarity, happy kidneys and liver, and wealth of other benefits. Start with at least eight 8 oz (250 ml) glasses (8 cups, 2 liters) a day and more if you are active or on a high fiber protocol.
Cutting out (or tweaking) our processed foods intake
Most processed foods rank as acidic to our bodies and that includes deep fried green beans, so take a look at the box and read the label before you put it in the cart. There are also added chemicals and unhealthy fats that are toxic in the body and require extra work for your body to get rid of or store (mmmmm stored toxins....like an unorganized closet full of dated, bad-fitting clothes with stains). Even little "treats" from time to time can be tweaked for a more healthier version as well. That way you get double bonus of enjoyment, it taste good AND feels good in your belly afterward.
So with the start of Spring we get to clean up and gear up and be ready for beautiful things to blossom and that includes a lighter, brighter, healthier you.

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