Now, how to put a positive spin on a cold and snowy day in the middle of spring with a full schedule. First of all, our heat is turned off for the season, or at least until we finish the repairs and renovations that are currently underway. Bundling up the children will be the first priority. My friend was eager to come over with the three girls in her care today, but with the house currently at 12 degrees Celcius, that won't work too well. The option would be to get out and head to the mall, however I have a service call with a technician coming to the house today, so I need to be present. Today would best be served in the throws of hard labour, working up a sweat while doing some demolition :D. And the food? Something that offers warmth and "comfort"......CURRY CHICKEN!!
Taking a moment to reflect on how to make the most of a situation that you weren't aware of or to stay positive in the unexpected or unprepared days makes such a difference and really helps in keeping focused on the priorities and achieving your goals. My daily goal is to stay positive and productive and living my life out in the best way I can. If I can maintain and thrive in this it makes doing everything else much easier.
Now, to get down to work!

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