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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

We are called to show up as the answer. The power of our gifts

 Good mawning!

This was taken 6 years ago at what felt like the point at which everything came to a crashing point. After experiencing a beautiful year of flow and adventure and being asked to show up in so many wonderful spaces... sharing our voices and our presence, we found ourselves in the hospital supporting our son who was in critical condition.

After just navigating a similar decision point and making the choice I wanted to 6 years ago, and seeing the grace of Wisdom and the hand of Divine presence at work in the lives around me, I know that I was called at THAT time to use MY Fullness and serve greatly at moment such as this...

That moment 6 years ago was brought before me again in this last week. Not as intense, but still in the guise of "disruption".

Do you experience disruption in your life? Have you ever been vibing and flowing in a direction and then "ALL OF A SUDDEN" something "shows" up and takes you "off-track"?

YOU had everything planned and now, it's not going the way you want it to?

As these photos came up for me in my memories, I was reminded of Esther. (LOL, I can't with the timing of this post and Purim coming up...)

She was "called" to use the "gift" that she was given to make a stand for the lives around her. Those of her people and family.

She was in the PERFECT position and timing in her life to make use of that gift to serve and 'save' MANY.

Maybe you know you have a great gift that SHOULD be shared but you are sittin' on it... you are letting "things" get in the way of you choosing to use it.

I will tell you, after these last 6 years and being confirmed of this gift again, I'm going to get up and use it in this softer space of choice than if someone's life depends on it... because in truth, someone's life IS waiting for you to share the answer to their prayer and problem.

I'm really glad I took these pictures in this way. The moments that followed were very hard, strong, courageous, and necessary to save a life. <3

#thankyouGod #Divinegifts #WeAre #greaterstill #answerstoprayers #strongandcourageous #purim #showup #savealife #choose #yourgoals #matter #livelifefull #mindset #heart #Spirit #LoveFirst

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