Good morning!
Show the wholeness. Show UP in wholeness.
This is going to seem like it's about food, but it's not. Our lives are reflective from one area to the next. There is a connection that runs through it all.
The other day I saw this post and quote..."How you do anything, is how you do everything." And, I remember a time when I related this to my drive for excellence and my passion against neglect and half-hearted behaviours and actions and I was like "YEAH! That's it!"....And when I read it the other day, I saw that it didn't speak to wholeness.
But let's break it down just a bit...What IF.....I could take those things and attributes about what is "good and excellent" in my life and experience, and sprinkle that "glitter" everywhere in my life?
LOL it sounds beautiful and motivational...but does that feel real for you? Is there a voice in an area of your life that is saying..."Well, that's a load of CRA...!!!"
Now what??? What do you do when there is an area in your life that just doesn't "line up" like or WITH the rest of it?
Do you shake your head and keep going in the areas that DO feel good? Do you stuff it in a closet and close the door and then go on with your life? Do you start to feel that something must be wrong with you and you start trying to latch on to ways that will "fix" it"? DO you start feeling like you are a fraud because you can't seem to get his one area right EVEN THOUGH you "KNOW" what it is that you have to do and "should" just "DO it?"
Because, I will tell you, that there is a part that can just put it on and push and get it DONE! And then, there is the part that knows the quotes, read all the books, knows "all the things" and is beating you up because you aren't using it or applying it....And then, there is you.
Just you.
You are not a car. You are not a classroom model of the body. You are not a puzzle. You are not a math equation. You are not a philosophical theory. You are NOT a page, a chapter, a book. You are not a mathematical equation. You are not the facts. You are not the stories that swim around in your head.
You are.....evolving and growing....energetic, vibrational, resonating, multi-faceted/dimensional, unseen and seen in the same space....non-linear....beyond 3 dimensional....a summation of relation and individual in expression...connected, supported, supporting, explorative....radiance and reception...experience, adventure,, immeasurable, priceless...the unfolding of to read and consider these very words in unseen spaces and chose how it resonates with you.....and beyond what I could ever truly describe of the awe and wonders in and of what you are...
WHOLENESS! We can't even begin to consider all of what and who we we approach ourselves in parts.
Okay, so this didn't turn out to be about food
That "part" I can share at another time LOL. But let US remember, as we go through our days and consider all the "parts" that make up the lives we are living, that it IS just a part of the bigger picture of ourselves, our lives, our existence. That thought alone humbles me and reminds me to have compassion for and of myself as I navigate through "parts" in my day

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