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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Keeping in step with the dream.


Good morning!

My thoughts this morning...Keeping in step with the dream.

This morning as I stretched while getting out of bed, I pointed my toes of in a way that was like I had done years ago...
My grandmother lived a long and healthy life as she chose because she made the choices and adjustments to have that line up in the way she wanted to live.
Instead of the challenges and circumstances taking you away from your dreamed life...we could choose to adjust and grow in a way through the challenge and circumstances to stay aligned to our dreams.
Now, of course there are things that we choose to live and experience that we outgrow or have taught us that we want something different from life, but if you have a dream and a life you live that you enjoy...why not make adjustments to keep in step with the lifestyle you want or imagine.
Are you? Are you dreaming and imagining "forward" into the healthy, long life you want to enjoy? Or are you allowing hardship to steer you out of joy and away from dreaming? I have. I let it take me off course before. It felt as though everything would be lost, so what was the point...
And thankfully, I was already on track to living in the LIFE I wanted to and chose...healthier and able to keep up with my boys... so... I was able to shake myself out of the funk and get back in line...and now, time to keep dreaming and aligning...
There are still more steps to take ... so up and at it for me...finding that alignment and moving forward...

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