Good morning!
(DISCLAIMER: Don't get distracted by the picture!!! AND this is a LONG post

This past weekend was actually quite hard for me. A lot of what were "misaligned" moments that caused a lot of grief......I wanted to say struggle, but there was NOTHING in those moments that could have been changed.....they just needed to happen the way they did.
I know, personally, that it has helped me to grow immensely and observe MUCH of what is around I AM grateful. Even though I feel bloodied and raw from the experience, I know it is full of GOOD growth.
So what has helped me in those moments and even now after still feeling the "burn" of the experiences?
1) GO through the moment and whatever you are perceiving. I may have wanted to shift it and put on the pretty face and the warm, fuzzy feeling, but it was NOT going to happen. And THAT IS OKAY!. Let me repeat is OKAY not to feel the "high" of life in EVERY moment. Yeah, sometimes it sucks....sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you feel alone....sometimes you miss those great moments so bad (which is funny because....some times those "great"er moments weren't so great in the moment, but you prefer them to where you are now, which oddly enough makes them "great"

But we CAN take a breath in THAT moment and step back and look at ourselves IN it. We can SEE ourselves, and have compassion for where we are now without having to judge it or compare it to anything else. It takes practice....and some not so great moments to be that for yourself, but the more you can be IN the moment WITH and FOR yourself, the more you can move THROUGH it quicker and come out on the other side having gained something (a lesson or gratitude) from it.
2) Remember how small and temporary it is in the timeline of your full life.
3 days. Well, actually it was almost a full week of "misalignment" but in each step and situation, my eyes were opened and I used that to grow a different and more detailed story and vision for myself.
This temporary blip helped me to see ways of refining my vision to include some deep details in the journey of my life and those around me.
As long as I remained clear that the experiences were only a PART of the bigger picture of ALL that was going on, I could "avoid" getting overwhelmed, burdened, and derailed by them....
It was more like going for a walk on a beautiful sunny day when the forecast says clear and then a cloud rolled in and rains on you soaking all your clothes for a about 30 min.....and then it's gone. I mean yes, it did leave you all soaked and wet, but there was nothing you could do to change that and it's over. So now what? Continue. Continue!! What are you going to do with what that experience left you with....flow with it. The sun will dry your clothes, you still gotta walk...keep moving.
And #3) Look up and around and find something to celebrate. Because we create both the good observation and the not so good "contrast" or observation. It's our perspective at play. This is NOT bypassing your situation, or your feelings, or trying to CLEAR and ERASE your experiences....this is remembering that there is joy in life to be had....even IN those CRAPPY moments.
Out of the 3 days....I got "feedback" and showed up to encourage on day 1 (and I am still processing)....I got to help and observe and experience compassion on day 2 (the most neutral of the 3 days).....And I got to connect in with Spirit, be in flow and observation and real with those around me that I am so done with not feeling as good as I would like.
In the end, even though I can observe myself and not beat up on myself when things don't go as I had wanted them to (UGH! THIS WEEKEND THOUGH! LOL 

. I went through ALL the feelings I think LMBO ), we really thrive with the support and viewpoint and "celebration" from others. #oneanotherlove and relating and connecting in with like-mindedness is so key to our development.

Now, keeping this in mind, sometimes we "pigeon-hole" ourselves into a "box" of reliability and it can isolate us to only connecting in with people that love and do the same things we do and if we don't have that, we get stuck and feel alone. So remember to celebrate those that are not LIKE you....that live in a different way and have a passion or interest that is not like the one you have. Even in getting to know new people and what it is that they do and love, you get to expand YOUR joy and observation, and get behind enjoying things you hadn't considered before in such detail.
We "get" to grow in our appreciation....we learn how to really respect and accept others....we recognize them and their creations and expressions into this world as valuable....we grow in loving others more and ourselves included. We are living gifts to one another in this life if we receive it 

(This is a picture of people we had just met over the summer with amazing hearts, a love for adventure, and some amazing knitting skills
... maybe not the guy on the end, but he was super encouraged that we were eating gluten-free/dairy-free as well and we shared from what we knew and loved with him. )

(Photo credit: Françoise Peppiatt)