Good morning! Today's study time...incarnation...kingdom is near...Is light a trinity? Definitely more chewy than my breakfast

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Today's study time...incarnation...kingdom is near...Is light a trinity? Definitely more chewy than my breakfast's almost 11am and I am now pulling in ADDITIONAL Divine strength
Today...I went out...of the house.
First order of priority when the boys get home...reconnect, contribute, and homework. Unless you don't have any, and then proceed to designing a fully functional weapon from from a broken pen. #minimcgyver #socreative #pointthatelsewhere #diggingthroughrecycling
I call this one... 'and then Love kicked in'. I just want to stand up and say.. .Wow! To witness being witnessed among other witnesses. That's right! I see you watching and hearing me ALL the time. And in that I apologize. ...if out of context catches you and you feel the need to shrink back...but instead choose to be patient with my words. Or when I am so bold to claim ownership over you and start stepping in as if your body was my very own...and you are forced to tolerate the annoyance and have faith that it will work out in the end. Thank you for receiving me and all I do...knowing that I truly do love you
Good morning! Do you incredibly...immensely...truly, and highly....Valuable you and the very soul of your being is? Having seen people exercise their agency to deny their very soul...that thing of high and great value....defining the wonders within and of your unique life experience...please, if only just for a moment, consider the "glimpse" of fullness and wonder that resides in you...