Good morning! Making plans for the future. many possibilities. can one (anyone) decide on one thing when you are gifted with multiple opportunities? Oddly enough, after struggling for so long, yesterday opened up some insight. ...I have heard it before...quoted like parables to those who don't understand or grasp...that there are clues....look for the common thread...blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH....I need an example people! I was hoping it was more like an arrow, pointing the direction to go or a light at the end of a tunnel to follow...but as I reflect now, it's only a few people that may have described anything remotely close.'s the thread! That it runs constant the whole way through. Like going through a maze...stay with the thread, through winding paths and unexpected corners...It may not seem that it will get you out or even make sense sometimes...and other times it will make you laugh as you look back and see how it all ties together.

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