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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, June 27, 2014

Let the fun...CONTINUE! Summer vacay poem and pondering

 Good morning!...Ahhhhhh...a bright sun flooding through the windows, a cool breeze blowing into the windows and the cuddliness of toasty blankets.... that stayed up past midnight sprawled out on the landmines all throughout the house...backpacks, papers, indoor shoes, soccer socks, and parting gifts strewed across the entryway...piles of laundry waiting for their turn in the machine...dishes on the counter always saying they need a clean...and a SHORT list of things to do today...all designed around play!
HURRAY for summer vacation!!! Let the fun...CONTINUE!
P.S.(Disclaimer: If you already haven't been having fun up to this point or waiting for weekends and summer holidays to really ENJOY yourself, you have been programmed to hold out on a life-giving flow that is ESSENTIAL for the fullness of living. Please seek a local playground with a swingset and swing for a bit as you reflect on ways to truly enjoy the "gift" of life that has been graced to you)
Enjoy a beautiful, bountiful, and blissful summer weekend!

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