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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, May 18, 2012

Chattin' it "Squirrel"

 As I was gardening yesterday, I watched a squirrel turn the corner into the garage. I left the doors open so it could get out for some time, but it did not appear to have left. When I came home with the boys, I went to open the garage and the squirrel peeped it's head out of the drop cloths and then ducked back in. As I stood there with my son, I peeled back the drop cloth and it was all cute and cuddly in a ball. Then it stared at me, opened up......and proceeded to talk to me in "squirrel", while still laying on its back, loungin'.

I was saying it was not going to find food in here, and it was convinced it was not moving from there for today. But my son "helped" it out of its cozy lounge position and it ran and hid....needlesstosay, it had a warm place to stay for the night 🙂

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