As I was checking my e-mail yesterday, I read a message from a friend for a dinner invite. YAY! I love an opportunity to celebrate, but then it hit me....hmmmm dinner at a restaurant. I love dining out and many years ago, I dined at many (many) fine restaurants wherever I travelled. However, over the last 14 years I have become more aware of what my body has been telling in regards to food, and as I eliminated and narrowed things down, I have confirmed a few allergies and intolerances. Today, I am gluten intolerant, allergic to peanuts and eggs, and cannot digest pork. Simple list (and for health benefits I do not eat refined sugars, and am currently leaving out dairy and caffeine). And at home I have a wealth of healthy foods to choose from which are catered to the needs of me and my family. My boys are also gluten and lactose intolerant, and allergic to peanuts (not as much as I am, but it's still there). As a result of our unique dietary requirements, I have become a culinary wiz and the knowledge I have gained from reading labels, asking questions, and balancing our nutrition to make sure we are getting what we need out of our diet. It has been an amazing journey...I am a conscious eater and I love it.
Back to the pending dinner date. Before responding, I did an online search to find out more about the restaurant. And in my search I came across a great resource, Canadian Celiac Association. The Edmonton chapter has a full listing of restaurants with gluten friendly options. Now of course, I still need to be mindful of the other allergens that can be present, but it gives my family a window into enjoying fine dining. Regardless of what is on the menu, knowing what it is that you will eat and don't want to eat is a good place to start.
Be knowledgeable and informed
Even if you are not at a restaurant, when you are gathered in a social setting where there is food and refreshments, you always have a choice. Enjoying everything in moderation keeps the focus on spending time with family and friends, instead of only on the food. At a restaurant, go over the menu and see what it is you would like to order. Choice options that support the decision you have already made towards your nutrition and well-being and when it's time to order, feel free to ask question and also indicate your allergies/intolerances. A lot of restaurants actually prefer that you tell them in advance to ordering so they can inform you of options and also for legal purposes should an incident occur.
You always have a choice...don't be afraid to ask
Now that your server is informed, you can ask your questions towards customizing your order and supporting your healthful choices. Questions you can ask include...
Can this be grilled, steamed, or broiled instead of fried?
Is there any added butter or oil? (Good to ask for those that are lactose intolerant, even to butter, and knowing what oil they use, because it could be peanut oil)
Can the skin be removed? (not just for reducing fat content, but some people really don't like eating the skin)
Can the sauce or dressing come on the side? (you can either opt out of using the sauce or controlling the amount that is used)
Can I substitute the dressing for some slices of lemon and some vinegar instead? (You can dress your salad they way you want, especially if it is a simple side salad)
Can I substitute for a side salad, veggies, or baked potato instead of fries? (most restaurants already have this option, but if it's not listed, you can always ask)
If you have a menu to choose from, you have a choice. Your order is in fact the choices you are making for the meal you want to have. And for many years, millions of people around the world have made an order to their specifications. Especially if you are sitting down in a restaurant, know that as efficient as you want them to be in preparing your meal and the meals of others, it doesn't happen until you place an order.
What to look for to keep it healthy
The way that we eat in our home really focuses on eating foods that are closest to its natural state. We eat whole foods with little to no added ingredients. I prepare most of our meals from scratch, but we use few ingredients, so it makes it simple. If you toss a chicken breast in a skillet with some salt and pepper and maybe a few herbs, it is enough to make it delicious. Looking for menu items that do the same by keeping the preparation simple, helps to keep the guessing down and nutritional content up.
Looking for lean cuts of meat, lots of veggies, dishes that are not saucy or loaded with mayo, and those dishes where the individual ingredients are readily identifiable (which helps with picky eaters) can make your healthy choice a lot easier. Also choosing your beverage can make a difference to the healthfulness of your meal as well. I usually order hot water and lemon, avoiding soda. I feel satisfied before having my meal when I have water first, and I find that I can focus on enjoying the taste of my food more. If I choose to have an alcoholic based drink, I decide that in advance to going out.
Now that you have ordered a healthy meal suited to your specifications, you also want to keep in mind portion control. I haven't experienced a problem with that yet (where a meal was too big to eat on my own), however when we do go out as just a family I will tend to order a couple dishes and split it up between me and the boys. I tend to choose from sides or appetizers for the items (unless there is a complete dish that is easier to customize) and then I ask for extra plates and then put together our meals right at the table. It works the same if you are sharing a meal with some as well. Not only does it keep the portion size down, but allows for more variety in what you get to eat and can be more affordable too. You can also choose to eat half of your order (decide in advance to chowing down) and take half of it home. If you are at a social gathering, it is recommended to come back for seconds instead of loading up a plate high of food and not being able to finish it (overeating can compromise on enjoying the company of friends and family).
So the answer is yes to the dinner invite and I am prepared to have a good time, custom-made.

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