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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Eager for things to grow

This morning the boys ran to the kitchen to see the little creatures they put in water last night and observe how much they have grown. According to the instructions, they get to see over the next few days, how much these creatures will grow.

It made me think how in myself, I am eager to see things grow. The flowers in the garden, the kids, and myself, are all things I check for growth. I even observe the people around me to see how they have changed or move towards the goals they desire. I can say that I am eager to see things grow to where they want to be. Kids want to be bigger and taller and stronger, flowers send buds in hopes to produce a bloom, and for myself, I set goals with the intent on achieving them.

With all things that grow, time is always a factor. The boys know that over the next 3 days they get to observe the growth and they are being patient, because their goal is to see how big these creatures can grow and they know how long it's going to take. Do I wait patiently, knowing that it takes time to grow, to see the result of my goal? Have I given my goals and desires a proper time line or do I just think of the finished product and expect it done right away? Are my goals based on real time and real expectations of those around me or am I not taking into full consideration what it takes to get what I want?

So as I go into my day, I am looking forward to giving my goals more thought and time so I can see them grow into the hopes and dreams that I have. I will observe with patience and proper attention and action to help them to get to where they need to be....grown ;).

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