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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stay focused on the road

Ever get caught driving and missed your intended exit? What did you do? Did you keep on driving in the direction you were not intending on, hoping that you would be able to take an alternative route to get to where you are going? Or did you slow down, look for somewhere to turn around; and then get back on track in the direction you wanted to head in?

Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson about being in a positive mindset, and focusing on your goal. Many distractions come into our lives for one reason or another and I believe that how we handle each encounter gives us the opportunity to either be strengthened and encouraged or weakened and discouraged. I was in a situation that took a negative turn and it lead to being distracted from what I was in the process of doing, getting from point A to point B. Instead of regaining focus and getting back on track, it lead into a lengthy"drive" to the edge of where we could go before we found the "road" to get back on again and get to where we wanted to be. Although we "knew" the map of where we were, we were still lost since we were not actively driving to where we wanted to go. More missed exits, and still proceeded on in the wrong direction, further and further away from the desired destination.

Each exit was a choice and opportunity. And each time the choice was made to not take that opportunity it lead to further discouragement, frustration, and distraction. Eventually when we arrived at where we were going, the residue of the "road trip to the edge" still lingered and it took a while for us to warm up to others and share in the celebratory experience. We were driving to a party after all! But it was as if we walked in wounded, limping and in pain. The drive from where we were at would have taken about 7 minutes......we arrived half an hour later with gained wisdom and experience of what not to do. It is important to focus on the tasks at hand and to keep your thoughts positive as it helps to maintain the focus.

So as we drive through the rest of our lives, I am going to keep my eye on where I am driving, with a smile on my face and my destination in mind. But when I get off track, I will make sure to get back on again and share my experiences with others so that they may be helped with that wisdom to walk a straighter path.

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