Good morning!
UGH! Today I gotta make a list! LOL
Now I usually write a few things down each day that are my priorities that I want to focus on, but today I realized that there are a LOT of little things I was "hoping" to remember and get on top of that "got away from me".
I'm grateful that there was someone else on top of things...I'm grateful that I DID get something done like organizing our weekend trip we just had (directions, phone number, buy the food, pack the food, make the food, get extras and essentials packed, and OFF we went...), getting the boys registered for their first quarter of school (kinda)...getting glasses ordered as a family...getting the work done that I needed to for the program I am hosting, and getting other things sorted like laundry, dishes, meals...
We have a LOT of stuff to do on a daily basis...or at least I have seen. gotta make sure that "I" am one of those "things" that gets taken care of in a day.
I am the "non-negotiable" part of my day. At least when it comes to my headspace. And then my body gets some increasing measure.
First things first....and then everything else can follow. And it's usually the priorities, and then yeah...everything "else" will be going on the "list"

What are your main priorities each day?