Good morning!!
I was on a zoom call yesterday and I am realizing....there are so many people that don't spend their time reflecting and connecting nearly enough for the building up of their aspects of well-being.
I realize that not only do I get in daily journalling, I am also in study time with my boys and then connecting with others in various communities in my life.
It wasn't always so...I was quite lonely for some time. Lacking in being surrounded by those that shared in a similar like-mindedness enough that it would help me to grow and develop in my own right. For most ALL of my life I have been quite the "outlier" in the circles I was in. At school there were few "like me". Among family friends, I was often compared against. I was quite the "Tomboy" and wasn't as into "girlie" things as much as I was about being out in nature and exploring. And my own perspective of the world, ASIDE from the things I experienced, has always been unique as well.
The stats on those that feel alone and isolated are still surprising to me
Almost a quarter of the population have reported feeling lonely and isolated. 25% on average! And to think that this social "isolation" thing hasn't made it any better.

So...what do you do when you feel alone and unsupported? For me, I had my toys as friends (LOL some I still have
). I also had 2 particular "friends" I would converse with, and "one" is still in my life today
(#thankyouJesus) I figured it was a good idea to get my thoughts out of my head. SO I often spoke it out when I was alone. I had a diary for a while, but that didn't seem as safe a space to share my thoughts based on the movies at the time and some of the experiences I heard about with others reading it.

I still wrote a LOT of it down though. And now, I go back over what I have written and reflect....checking in with myself, with compassion, and then building on and up from there. I saw myself. I saw and appreciated who I was, often unapologetically LOL, and I still do today. There were some moments in my life where I did let that go, and went deep into a depressive state (maybe not as deep as some of those around me) I had to REMEMBER who I was and connect in with myself again.
We do have to see ourselves in some way first in order to choose to connect outside of ourselves. That's how we know what we are wanting to connect to....that like-mindedness we all seek.
There is a word that fits this perfectly. Sawubona. Once I learned of its deeper meaning, I've continued to use it since. It means "I see you". And I want to extend an invite for others to join me in learning and "seeing" more about this and other practices over the week, and in an opportunity I will be sharing soon

So today, I will reflect on "seeing me" as I dive into my "reflect and connect" time for the week. What do your like-minded connections look like? What are ways or groups that you connect with that help to build you up and enjoy more of yourself ?