Good morning!
LOL LAST DAY!! And they ARE going to school no matter how late we got to bed last night.

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning!
LOL LAST DAY!! And they ARE going to school no matter how late we got to bed last night.
Good morning! First week of summer vacation, but not the first week of "summer" experiences or summer season...Weather does not define the season as much as the light that is available on a daily basis. In that, I sit reflecting on value and how much I am surrounded with great value. I am created of and from great are you. In your perseverance, in your moment to moment choices, in your willingness to share and give freely, you are providing great value into the world. Whether or not someone truly wants to receive and honour it doesn't diminish its impact into this world. And with that said, nurture I will be putting in the work to help things grow...and some of the work will be pruning and trimming, and some will be weeding and turning the soil. In the garden, in relationships, in my choices...
Good morning! This week feels like it's cruisin' by....summer was marked by the blooming of lilies and a triple headed bite from mosquitoes...and so, to help slow down the "rush" Summer came in on, daily reflection and meditation will be reestablished. We did it last summer together and it was AWESOME! And so it begins ...
Good morning! have to keep going...because you know other lives depend and benefit from what you bring into each day. Today, it's about bringing nutritional density to my family of 12 (
Good morning! As I was washing some dishes by hand, I put down a glass on the drying mat, and then a next. I bumped the first glass and it started to tip over. It went fully over and landed upright. I said, 'I guess you knew what you were doing...gymnastics style are such a good tumbler.' HAHA, I am realizing, in this week of pain, that I haven't laughed much. Thank you glass
Good morning,! There is always more to what I say "out loud". This last week I have been speaking and sharing a whole less with the disclaimer "why bother" behind it. Sick of the "misinterpretations" and backlash is what I thought...then realizing that sometimes what hides in the shadows doesn't frighten, but it does make me sad. It feels like being a flashlight in a trembling and seeking hand...