From the movie "Night at the Museum 3" |
Over the past 24 hours, I have shared in many conversations. It was a great day of connecting more deeply with those around me. I didn't plan it that way, but it worked out beautifully. I even enjoyed a more structured quiet time in the morning as well. All these things used to be regular and consistent in my life...along with writing in my journal, sharing blog posts, decluttering, cleaning, laundry, working out...all constant...all routinely attended to...and with a change over the past few years it went a bit off. My focus, my routine shaken, and I didn't hold as firm to what I had established in my life. And now that my routine gas changed again, I find myself longing to bring back anew in my life these helpful habits I once enjoyed. It not that laundry changed or the need to declutter, it was I who changed. From feeling things were manageable to feeling completely overwhelmed. Even the thought of the thought of the overwhelm still grips me, so I know I still have a way to go in recognizing I am not in that same space.
And in order to support that change, I feel compelled to return to basics...my core relationship with myself and God. I just rest in that presence...and then I open up and share...and then go quiet again....and then share some more...it's a conversation. And not until recently did I realize that this practice of introspection, connection, and relationship takes a lot (a LOT) of courage for people to choose and experience. How can you build your heart (your core, your courage...), if you are constantly denying it? How can you build up your connection if you refuse to acknowledge it is already there?
This is my Facebook post in response to this thought...
Good morning! I'm logging into a device that was JUST connected. The funny thing is I am sharing from another device that chooses to stay more consistently connected while this other device flips and flops between disconnected and connected. From the evidence of the other device being connected and functioning well in its navigation through the internet, I know there is a working source of WIFI that is open, flowing, and available.
We are always available to the choice of being consistently connected...to our good health and fitness, to our loving relationships, to our fulfillling spirituality and well-being, to our happiness, and even to our abundance (which is in all the above mentioned aspects of life...and more). AND we can ALSO choose that these same things are also our greatest burdens...our health, relationships, spirituality, and pursuit of happiness. It is as simple as choice...to be grateful and eager to enjoy or to be focused on anything but gratitude and thoroughly steeped (and nurtured) in "problems" and trying to fix the unbroken and constant.
If you are reading this, then there is nothing wrong with my Internet source...working on improving my connections (in all areas) will be focus today though. Mindset matters...your perspective is your golden ticket.
#thankyouGod #biggerthanwe #Oneconnection #seekfirst #goBeyondproblem #attitudeofGratitude #mindsetmatters