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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, July 26, 2012

In the midst of global change....of heart

Recession and economic hardship are the catch phrases of today. Many things are being marketed towards the fact that there is less money flowing in the economy and people are being advised towards making smarter purchases. There is so much to gain from returning to a simpler way of living and I think the days of "living large" are being replaced with "living wise". The times of being thoughtful in your actions even among all today's modern conveniences (more on that later) is coming. Making decisions towards not only spending less, but towards living less toxic and with more of a focus on our impact on the environment and others. We get to have more heart in the things that we do.

Doing things from the heart will yield more productivity and more benefits, not only for yourself, but for those that are around you. We are the examples and lessons that others learn from, either positive or negative. There will be more to learn in the practice of good habits. Budgeting, meal planning, buying nutrient-rich foods instead of junk food, recycling and composting, reusable instead of disposable items, being creative and making the most of what resources are available to you. It's a call to maturity....reclaiming common sense and thought, and practicing habits of the successful.

I believe that the need for maturity in today's society has come to fruition. Money is not everything and has proven to be a tool in how we live instead of what we are living for. Let's put all our tools (and talents) to good use and make the most of the lives we are living.

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