Good GOOD morning! Let's keep our composure today even though it's the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! YEAH!! So bittersweet...Just gotta remember not to get too laxed over the holiday. Gonna stay active and healthy....with an extra portion of sleepin' in

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good GOOD morning! Let's keep our composure today even though it's the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! YEAH!! So bittersweet...Just gotta remember not to get too laxed over the holiday. Gonna stay active and healthy....with an extra portion of sleepin' in
YES! Sunny morning and my garden is already watered. Reminds me to watch how you interpret the forecast...each day is still perfect in design. Enjoy your day!
Why, yes it is! A good morning....a great morning! And again I have been blessed with life anew and energy and strength for the tasks that lay ahead of me. Thank you God because it is beyond reasonable that I am awake and getting stuff done. I'll get some sleep...soon
Good morning! Enjoyed the warm embrace of my Father this morning as I began my day. Thank you God for always being there for me with open arms.
Expect and give unconditional love in spite of..., speak boldly,... honor thy father and mother,... be willing to receive,... be generous,... nurture your talents,... never let what you didn't learn keep you from helping others to learn,... show up with a smile, there to support,... no matter how bad things may seem always make room for laughter,... smiling, and crying... be your child's biggest fan,... love whatever you put your hands to,... watch your words,... what we simply know is not enough unless we apply it,... respect who it is that God designed you to be, not let excuses be your chains,...hold on just one more day, can DO it,... there is POWER in believing in the good in others, a light to those that walk through darkness,...
I am loving this Saturday morning!!! Beautiful sunrise, time in the garden, simple breakfast, morning chat with the hubby and now cuddle time with my son...
Good morning! My dreams and prayers are coming through right before my eyes. And I am awake this time! Believing in the vision of your dreams and prayers is wonderful fuel for living. Have a faithful day folks!
Good morning! Today is a day like no other, so I am going to make full engagement with it and enjoy it to its end.
Good morning!
Productive day yesterday, wonderful evening for a worthy cause close to my heart, and waking up to inspiration and motivation this morning. It's beautiful when all things work in your favour and for your encouragement. Thank you God for another beautiful and perfect day!