Good mawning!
What if I just stopped...?
This thought just came to me. After going through and seeing a friend or two who had made a substantial ripple in the lives of many step away from their business and practice....
post about the latest reality show.
And then I had a bad taste in my mouth. Not in judgment of reality shows, but knowing... I am not "done" yet.
Maybe it's my "ego" talking... or maybe...
Because I feel I have watched enough TV in my life. Watching others have the adventures and travels. Cheering others on in their "successes" while going through the day to day drama of an unfulfilling job.
I've been in a space of feeling stopped, stuck, and unfulfilled in my life.
Part of it was my focus. Part of it was my environment and the expectations from those around me. And a part of it was... I didn't know where to start.
So I started with turning off the TV shows. I decided to watch my own life. It had enough drama/sitcom vibes going on to keep me entertained. I had a special cooking show I could participate in, cooking for specific dietary needs for me and my family. There was an "out in nature" show...with a family hiking and running through the mountains.
My life was enough! The fullness was already there. I had just taken my focus and appreciation off of it.
And when you can see your OWN fullness and wonder, more of it comes to light.
Stopping isn't a consideration. Evolving in your vision is. For me, my "stopping" will look like being out in nature, traveling, seeing my legacy being shared in the generations to come... living in my vision.
And for now, it's helping others to embrace and experience the fullness and wonder of their own lives.
Where are you at in your journey?
DM me or comment what is bringing you fullness right now.