Messages of encouragement and motivation can now be found in your local package of HALLS cough lozenges....."You've survived tougher."..."Gardez la tΓͺte haute."...."Don't waste a precious minute."..."Passez au travers."

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Messages of encouragement and motivation can now be found in your local package of HALLS cough lozenges....."You've survived tougher."..."Gardez la tΓͺte haute."...."Don't waste a precious minute."..."Passez au travers."
Got glutified again (not pleased with compromising recipes for the sake of a few $$....authenticity is what I am going for LOL)...I refuse to keep up with its ferocious appetite though...water it is! Gotta flush it out.
I want to thank Martha Stewart for sharing her life story and experiences with the world. She laughed at it all and through the sheer brilliance of it all, I just had one of the best laughs I've had in ages....(if you understand IPOs and beautiful irony, I'll let you in on the chuckle
Good morning! What can I say? I am abundantly blessed and I just have this feeling that today will overflow with more love, joy, encouragement, and more beautiful blessings. So thankful to enjoy it all with my friends and family.
WOW! It's Wednesday! How has 3 days been so full already? I declare this week officially split in two based on its fullness
"I am one in a krillion!" ~ Will from Happy Feet 2
WOOHOO! Tonight is DATE NIGHT!!!
Son is showing his dad how to make an origami crane. It goes to show that frustration can also be a teacher
I am a pathway through which God works in your life. Loving one another deeply with sincere hearts connects us to the flow of overflowing and ever-flowing love that God has for us. (inspired by 1 Peter 1:22)
This day has been AMAZING!!! I feel so filled and love seeing my quiet prayers answered.
Good morning! This is GO GREEN WEEK!!! Loading up on my green vegetables and foods this week.
If there is anything that I am learning is that the sight of man and the sight of God are definitely different. How God views my life and what I have to offer is different than what man may perceive. Not everything is as it seems. "...for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”