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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Seeing how far you've come

 Good morning!

It has felt like such a long time since I have shared and connected.
This is usually a time of year I get reflective on the year I have had and start setting my intentions for the year ahead.
The process is referred to as "Minding the Gap". As I am at a point in my direction where the next step is a much bigger one than the 1% steps I feel I have been taking, I have come up against, in myself, a bit of resistance and I am grateful that I know to recognize resistance and feeling off and still going forward with my direction and and tasks each day to maintain momentum....even if it may not be as much as I was doing, it is still part of the process in moving me forward.
I'm grateful for how I have grown in the contribution I share with the world. I have loved connecting to people who had turned to me to give my perspective on the things in 2020 that have hit and sparked concern. I am grateful that my journey with MCS and AI's, having family in hospital for rare genetic response, and our way of life and eating have sparked much interest and has provided much support to those around us.
What are some things over the last year or so that you are grateful for?
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Franca Preddie, Delice Coffey and 2 others

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